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Frequently Asked Questions



I get a lot of questions; some about philosophy, some about procedure, some ridiculous, some hilarious.  This section begins with some important information about your breasts, energy work in general, my personal ideas (relative to how they may effect you) etc.   To learn more about the basics of Energy Healing though, don't start here; go to my Energy Healing Pages on purewhitelight.com.  Then come back.   You may also want to go to the FAQ Page on purewhitelight.com

If you ask me a question that I feel belongs, I may add it here.  Of course, I'll always answer you individually.  And I will never put in any information here that would allow any one to trace any question back to you.  Everything we do is 100% confidential.  Since I find many of the questions I get to be funny, I present them to you in that spirit.  I take my work very seriously, but I don't take myself very seriously.  I submit that this outlook is healthy.  So have some fun!



  •    How can energy change my breasts?

 Energy and mass are exactly the same.  Just like ice, water and steam - they look different, our senses perceive them differently, but they are the same.  So if you move energy, you move mass.  If you have ever seen a picture of a bomb going off, you know that once the energy releases, mass moves "by itself".  The trick, if there is one, is moving mass from a state of disorder to a state of order. 


  •       But Vogue and Cosmo say I can't change my breasts.  What's up with that?

Many sources, including women’s magazines, will tell you that you cannot change the size and shape of your breasts.  (They are the ones selling you the toxic bras and unnatural plastic implants, and making money off of your insecurities!)  This is a stupid claim when you think about it.  Certainly you know someone who started on a birth control pill, and had their breast size change.  Furthermore, something has already happened in your life (i.e. puberty) which changed your size and shape.  Every month the size and shape of your breasts change as a function of your cycle.  So we know in simple ways that breast size is changeable, now all you have to do is "harness" that energy.


What those magazines tell you is that there is no muscle tissue in breasts, so you can’t “work out” to increase chest size.  This is true in itself, but it is the right answer to the wrong question.  The changes you seek are not muscular.   You want to change yourself hormonally, strengthen your support ligaments, and most importantly, change your “energetic self” and the way you feel about yourself.  Once you understand and master it, breast size, shape and quality can be manipulated substantially in natural ways.


  •      How can you make one client's breasts bigger, and another client's breasts smaller?

Energy work is about balance - returning ourselves to a state of harmony.  The reason you look the way you do is because you built yourself that way!  During your development, you were young, and had all sorts of  wacky notions about yourself and your breasts.  Many women "freak out" at some unconscious level, and hinder their own natural growth.  Another young woman might have idealized views about her breasts, and yet another a tendency to bring here fears to pass.  Some of these things can go either direction - too large or too small.  Even with the realm of "your natural size" there is a range.


  •   But small (or large) chests run in my family.  All the women in my family look just like me.  Don't genetics determine things?

Of course genetics and heredity play a huge role.  That's why, in restoring balance, you must develop the chest size that is natural for your body.  A lot of genetics are in fact "energenetic" - they are part nature and part nurture.  Sometimes, there is some transcending to do, but to a great degree, it can be done.  We all have a natural limit, but it's not nearly as limiting as you think!  


  •     Are there age limitations?

Yes, there are.  Generally, the younger the client, the better and faster the results.  In clients over - say 45 or so - I can't really change size at all, but I can still change firmness.












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This site was last updated 02/09/11


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