Breast Care

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Breast Care


Breasts are a wonderful part of your wonderful self, yet breast pathologies are rising at an alarming rate.  This is due to a number of diverse reasons - everything from restrictive underwire bras, environmental factors, the rise of man-made toxins, aluminum-containing pore clogging antiperspirants, animal hormones passed through to humans through diet – and above all, through social hysteria and body image issues. 


Even the Self Breast Exam is designed to help you after you get a tumor. While you should regularly check yourself for lumps, just waiting around for cancer is a dumb idea.  Why wait and detect, when you can prevent?  


It is important that you care for your health in practical ways.  Breast massage by a knowledgeable practitioner is strongly recommended, but the procedure shown below is a simple four-step self- help technique.


The purpose of these steps is to flush fluids from the breast (both venous and intercellular), bring nutrition to the tissues and specifically remove the toxins via the lymphatic system. Also, these techniques will enhance the health and elasticity of the support ligaments, which will in turn provide you with better breast support, improving breast size and shape.

This procedure should be done at least twice a week, as a supplement to regular professional care. It can be done on bare skin, or if you like, use a small amount of natural vegetable oil.





  1.  Use both hands as shown to apply several, moderate pressure, compressions to move out venous fluids.

  2.  Gently massage the breast with a kneading-like motion, using lifting and pressing movements.

  3.  Slowly and carefully use your hands to twist the breast in a counterclockwise and clockwise direction, being careful not to put too much tension on the breast. This will help keep your support ligaments in good health and keep your breasts firm and high.

  4. Use your fingers to gently smooth away from the nipple, draining the lymphatic system.  This is the most important of the four steps.



Some of the material on this page is copyright © Bodymechanics, Inc.  Thanks to Bodymechanics for their kind permission!


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